How to create a winning 60 second pitch.

Now that you’re equipped with tips on how to avoid making the common mistakes young entrepreneurs make, it’s time to create a winning 60 second pitch. When someone asks, what do you do? we usually have an answer that we use over and over again. For example an accountant might say “I work for a… Continue reading How to create a winning 60 second pitch.

Wouldn’t it be great to avoid some of the common mistakes young entrepreneurs make?

When we hear the word entrepreneur we often associate it with glamour and success however, the reality of pursuing entrepreneurship is very different. It can be a time of mistakes, struggle, uncertainty and loneliness. Wouldn’t it be great to avoid some of the common mistakes young entrepreneurs make?  One of my earliest memories is rearranging… Continue reading Wouldn’t it be great to avoid some of the common mistakes young entrepreneurs make?

What to include in your one page business plan.

Now that you’ve worked your way through the 8 customer-centric question you need to have answered and your business model is ready, it’s time….. Time to write you business plan. I know you’re thinking “do I really have too?” my answer is yes. But before you start procrastinating to avoid starting this big task I… Continue reading What to include in your one page business plan.

Top 8 customer centric questions you need answered.

Last week we looked at why your business model is more important than your business plan. Your comments and replies to the blog highlighted some key customer centric questions. It is for this reason I want to stay on the topic of business model in this blog and focus on the very people we want to draw… Continue reading Top 8 customer centric questions you need answered.

Why your Business Model is more important than your Business Plan!

So you have evaluated your idea and you are sure it’s not just an idea, it’s a business opportunity. What next? Let me guess, you answered “writing a business plan” right? Wrong. What you really need to focus on now is working on your Business Model. One of, if not the most important document you will create for your business.… Continue reading Why your Business Model is more important than your Business Plan!

Just an idea or do you have a business opportunity?

So you have an idea….. I know that feeling when you have an idea and you are ridiculously excited about the prospect of getting started. I had all of fifteen minutes to decide if I wanted to partner into my first business and I chose to go for it. I had no idea if it… Continue reading Just an idea or do you have a business opportunity?